What is BNI Membership Extravaganza?
Member Extravaganza is a BNI tradition that happens in April and May. It is a fun and exciting way to look at and participate in your Chapter’s growth. BNI provides all the tools, resources, and a support system you need to help to grow your Chapter’s Network, Opportunities, and $uccess.
How do we Register our Chapter and start?
- Open and download the Member Extravaganza 2025 Flyer doc and Member Extravaganza Chapter Rollout PPT.
- Present the information to your chapter and decided together whether you all want to conduct a Visitors Day or Contact Sphere Challenge program.
- Click on the Chapter Registration Form and submit to the BNI Atlanta Regional Office what activity your Chapter has chosen to conduct, the dates and the 1-4 members of the chapter (Champions) that will help the lead the Chapter to execute a successful event!
- Next download the Process Guide for your event and other important information below.
- Have your Champions log into the Live Help Fridays Webinar to get weekly assistance, weekly education moments and direction.