With over 65+ BNI Atlanta chapters throughout the state of Georgia, diverse locations, and various meeting formats available, we are here to help you find the perfect fit for you and your business. Click the "GET INVITED" button above, complete the form, and a BNI Director will assist you in scheduling a visit to several of our exceptional chapters for business networking opportunities.
Click here to see an alphabetical list of BNI Atlanta Chapters. BNI Atlanta regions (GA NW, GA NE and GA South) are actively building business referral and networking groups throughout the State of Georgia.
See the map below for an overview of BNI Atlanta chapters. Please note some chapters meet at the same location. Use the map zoom feature to locate each of the chapter markers.
Click here to see the chapters currently forming in the BNI Atlanta region. If you are interested in starting a new chapter please call Cathy or Mike Barbieri, Executive Directors of BNI Atlanta at (678) 264-8708.
You may use the "Advanced Search" button below to locate a specific Chapter by Name, Area, Meeting Time, City or Meeting Day in our BNI Atlanta Regions.
The best way to find out about BNI is to visit a chapter. Visitors may attend chapter meetings twice ONLY (one chapter twice, or two chapters once each), before they will be asked to make a decision about joining. Visitors may NOT promote their business in a chapter where their business category is represented. It is not necessary to have an invitation to visit a chapter, however it is best to contact the president of the chapter prior to the visit.