Area Role Director - BNI Support Team

Meet your Area Role Director Support Team!

BNI Atlanta has re-organized our Area Director team to better support our Chapters and members.  There are seven categories of roles in our BNI Chapters, and they all have significantly different functions, task and responsibilities to manage and maintain a well-organized and thriving BNI Chapter.  Although our Area Directors were doing well supporting our Chapters, they all seemed to have a favorite role they did an "AWESOME" job in supporting.  Mainly because they may have held that role before in the Chapter and/or had a passion to execute that role with a high level of precision and accountability.  There is also so much to learn, understand and support all the Chapters in our regions so we departmentalized our support team to streamline and hyper-focus on each individual role. Supporting each role individually helps all of us to understand the duties, tasks,  policies, events, and timelines required for each of the separate roles and how it pertains to our Leadership Team's roles.

We now have seven (7) Area Role Directors that will support only one role.  If you have questions, ideas, need support or want a sounding board for something pertaining to you or your Chapter please reach out to the one of our Area Role Directors for assistance.

Area Role Directors - Your Chapter Support Team

Richard Stuckey Headshot


Richard Stuckey
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678.264.8708 EXT 708

Annette Mason Headshot


Annette Walden Mason
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678.264.8708 EXT 704

Jamie Nation Headshot


Jamie Nation
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678.264.8708 EXT 706

Stephanie Diamond Headshot


Stephanie Diamond
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678.264.8708 EXT 710

Ronda Youngblood Headshot


Ronda Youngblood
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678.264.8708 EXT 712

Veronica Miller Headshot


Veronica Miller
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678.264.8708 EXT 711

David McDonough Headshot


David McDonough
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 678.264.8708 EXT 705


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